
  • API bridge in Python between the Shopify Plus merchant store and the client's servers, facilitating seamless data exchange.
  • Well-drafted and vetted techno-legal documentation like the ‘SaaS Subscription’ Agreement, ‘End-User Licence’ Agreement (EULA), Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA), Software Maintenance Agreement, etc. for the IT corporate clients.
  • Automation of news content reading and sharing across social media platforms, leveraging Python based libraries.
  • Documents based on Quality & Information Security Management Systems (ISO 9001 and 27001) to enhance operational efficiency and quality assurance measures, thus bolstering productivity.


Project No.:06
Client:Mumbai based Stock Market Broker Company
About Project:The Corporation trading NSE-listed securities sought a high-frequency algorithmic trading system, exclusively relying on algorithm-based strategies for efficient trade execution. One aspect of this project involved developing a dashboard to control and manage its processes.
Role:Front-End Developer
Responsibility:Produced documents and artefacts such as requirement documents and help documentation utilizing Sphinx, along with designing UI pages for the control layer to oversee the trading system.
Tech Stack:Amazon Linux, Python, Bottle Web Framework (Server), JavaScript, Memcache and Redis

Project No.:05
Client:Bangalore based organic framing company with retail customers across Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad and Mumbai
About Project:The client lacked an experienced technology leader to oversee developers and manage multiple vendors, aiming to minimize costs and optimize the direct-to-customer portal.
Role:Technology Head
Duration:Aug'2023 to Till Date
Responsibility:As the technology lead, conceptualized the entire technology stack in alignment with business objectives. Directed developer efforts to streamline business requirements, alleviate operational challenges, and enhance developer satisfaction. Achieved significant cost reduction by effectively managing subscribed resources and aligning them with actual requirements on AWS and GCP. Internally developed Shopify apps replaced third-party solutions, consolidating vendor management across multiple cities into a unified Shopify portal for all four locations.
Tech Stack:Google Cloud Platform, Shopify, Angular JS, Laravel PHP and MySQL

Project No.:04
Client:Singapore based Investment Company for its end-subscriber-clients
About Project:The portal generated news at varying frequencies and required automated sharing of this content as videos across multiple social media platforms without human intervention. Additionally, assistance was needed in creating help pages supplemented with relevant YouTube videos.
Role:Senior Developer
Duration:Apr'2023 to Jul'2023
Responsibility:The task involved coding to extract news text using the pyttsx3 Python library, converting it into videos accompanied by relevant news images, and subsequently sharing them on social media platforms like YouTube and Twitter. Additionally, the audio files were distributed on podcast channels through Podbean. Moreover, numerous help pages were developed on a WordPress server, complemented by concise help videos uploaded on YouTube. These videos were organized into playlists and linked as context-sensitive help resources on both the portal and WordPress pages dedicated to assistance.
Tech Stack:WordPress, Python & Support Libraries and Libraries for Social Media Sharing

Project No.:03
Client:Bangalore based IT Company for its US based fleet management client
About Project:An online portal was required to facilitate sales and subscription renewal services for its products.
Role:Technical Project Manager
Duration:Nov'2021 to Mar'2023
Responsibility:Assisting the developer in creating an API bridge and customizing the Shopify Plus merchant account as Admin, with a focus on Python development. This involved establishing an API bridge in Python between the Shopify Plus merchant store and the client's servers (Salesforce and NetSuite), deployed on an AWS EC2 instance using the 'Bottle' server framework. Code management was handled through a private GitHub repository. Additionally, Shopify pages were tailored using the 'Liquid' language.
Technologies:Java, PHP and Dot-Net with their frameworks.
Tech Stack:Amazon Linux, Python 3.8, Bottle 0.12.19 Web Framework (Server), MySQL, DocuSign, Sphinx, JavaScript, and Shopify

Project No.:02
Client:Jaipur based IT Company
About Project:The project entailed developing tailored end-user license agreements and SaaS-based subscription templates for international clients, addressing the client's crucial need for standardized legal documentation. By ensuring compliance and clarity across diverse legal jurisdictions, the initiative aimed to streamline client on boarding processes and mitigate legal risks effectively.
Duration:Dec'2019 to Mar'2020
Responsibility:Crafted legal documents such as Software-as-a-Service Subscription agreements and End-User License agreements tailored for international clientele, encompassing both legal and engineering considerations. The templates addressed territorial jurisdictions and compliance requirements such as GDPR, ensuring comprehensive coverage for the client's business operations.

Project No.:01
Client:Jaipur based Rugs Manufacturer Company
About Project:The client is a prominent handmade rug company, which has high production efficiency and quality.
Duration:Nov’2019 to Feb’2020
Responsibility:Revamped the engineering division of a leading handmade rug company by designing and implementing comprehensive policies, work instructions, and templates in alignment with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 standards. Additionally, optimized indexes for their ERP system, enhancing data management efficiency and facilitating smoother operational workflows, ultimately bolstering productivity and quality assurance measures.
Tech Stack:Microsoft Dynamics 365

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